Payroll Taxes


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Delinquent IRS Payroll Tax

If you are a business owner who has failed to pay your IRS payroll taxes, you may be wondering what will happen next. The IRS has a process for dealing with delinquent taxpayers, and they take this issue very seriously. Here’s what you need to know about the IRS’s procedures for dealing with delinquent payroll taxes.

The IRS is coming after you for unpaid payroll taxes - what to do

Paying payroll taxes is a necessity for any employer, as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) looks closely at late or unpaid tax payments. Unfortunately, if you’re recently being contacted by the IRS about not having paid your payroll taxes on time, it can be a stressful and intimidating situation to handle. There are several helpful steps which can make the IRS experience more manageable; first, make sure to respond quickly to any communication from them. Second, determine exactly how much you owe by studying your business records and checking online tools. Lastly – and this is vital – seek professional advice from a CPA or Tax Attorney who is a Certified IRS Tax Resolution Specialist who can properly assist you with the best way forward. It’s far better to face this problem head-on than risk facing more serious consequences later down the line.

How to negotiate with the IRS to resolve outstanding Payroll taxes due

Resolving outstanding payroll taxes due can seem overwhelming, but the IRS offers several programs and remedies that can help struggling businesses reach a resolution. Negotiating with the IRS is the key to success in this area; a good place to start is by contacting an experienced tax professional who can advise both on which options the business qualifies for and provide assistance with the negotiation process. If applicable, electing to enter into an installment agreement allows businesses to pay their taxes over a period of time according to an agreed-upon timeline. Even if faced with severely delinquent payroll taxes due, businesses should not avoid continuing attempts at negotiating with the IRS as there are still steps to be taken that can help them find solace from their financial burden.

Tips for avoiding IRS payroll tax problems in the future

Payroll taxes can be an overwhelming headache for employers to keep track of, but there are some steps you can take to avoid common IRS compliance issues in the future. First, it’s important to stay up-to-date on any changes in state or federal regulations, as any discrepancies could put you at risk for a tax penalty. You should also make sure your payroll taxes are calculated and submitted on a reliable schedule throughout the year, as well as keep detailed records of all related payments and deductions. Finally, if you find yourself with questions or concerns about payroll tax requirements and compliance, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Certified IRS Tax Resolution Specialist like Attorney Irby who can help you understand the specifics and take action to ensure you’re following the law.

What happens if you can't pay your delinquent IRS payroll taxes

If you owe delinquent IRS payroll taxes, it can be an overwhelming situation if you don’t have the means to pay. The IRS does accept payment plans and offers various solutions for taxpayers who find themselves in such a dilemma. But if your debt is unable to be settled by quickly paying in full with a loan, the IRS will likely file what’s called a “trust fund recovery penalty”, which holds all responsible persons liable for paying the tax bill. This often requires those individuals to take out a personal loan. If these penalties and payments are not addressed in accordance with existing IRS regulations, penalties and interest will continue to accrue until it has been resolved and could even result in criminal charges being filed against employers who don’t comply.

Resources for businesses with delinquent IRS Payroll taxes

Businesses struggling to manage delinquent IRS payroll taxes have valuable resources available to them. Attorney Jeffrey B. Irby is one such resource, a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist offering counseling and assistance in the best practices and resolution of tax liabilities. Attorney Irby focuses not only on finding solutions for the immediate financial problems a business is facing, but also works tirelessly with the Internal Revenue Service for future compliance assurance. Attorney Irby understands how easily untimely or incorrect payments can happen, and will work with clients to ensure mistakes don’t happen again in the future.


The bottom line is that the IRS is going to come after you if you don’t pay your payroll taxes. But there are ways to negotiate with them. And hopefully, by following these tips, you can avoid having any problems with payroll taxes in the future. If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t pay your delinquent taxes, call Attorney Jeffrey B. Irby at 256-882-2222 or 1-877-LAW-IRBY for a free telephone consultation. He can help you figure out what options are available to you and get the best possible outcome for your case. To schedule a telephone appointment immediately go to the online schedular link at www.IRS.Solutions.

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